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Our city

The Voronezh Region comprises the Middle Russian Uplands, the Central Black earth (Chernozem) zone. Voronezh is an ancient Russian city. It is 600 kilometres north of Moscow.

Four hundred years ago (in 1586) a fortress was founded on the higher right bank of the Voronezh River to protect Russian southern boundaries from invaders. This fortress was the beginning of our city. However, Voronezh is mentioned in the 12th century Russian chronicles.

The fortress developed into a bustling city with a large population. The development of the town was quick and soon it spread onto the left bank. The left bank is former town outskirts. In 1695 young tsar Peter the Great began the construction of the Russian fleet on the river Voronezh. More than 200 ships came out of the Voronezh docks, the cradle of the first Russian fleet.

During the Great Patriotic War Voronezh fought for nearly 200 days and nights. The defenders of the city struggled courageously and on the 25th of January 1943 Voronezh was liberated. Our city was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War and the Order of the Military Glory for its glorious past. In the memorial in Victory Square we can read the names of the defenders of our city. In the square near the eternal flame there is a grave of the Unknown Warrior.

Today Voronezh is one of Russian’s largest cities with total area of about 600 square kilometers. The city occupies two banks of the river. Its population is about one million people. One can see a lot of interesting buildings many of which were destroyed during World War II and reconstructed later. The high-rise buildings, the man-made sea, the geometrical patterns of streets and squares, green parks and gardens, the beauties of the nature have altered the city greatly. One of the architectural symbols of our city is South-East Railway Department building that was constructed in 1928-1932 by N.Troitsky.

Today Voronezh is being rapidly built up. Active construction can be seen both in the new districts and in the old centre.

ЗАДАНИЕ 7. Пользуясь текстом, подберите английские эквиваленты следующим словам и словосочетаниям.

Средне – русская возвышенность

geometrical pattern of streets and squares

южные границы


однако, тем не менее

high-rise buildings

мужественно сражались

the southern boundaries

славное прошлое

have altered the city greatly

искусственное море (водохранилище)

the Middle Russian Uplands

высотные здания

struggled courageously

геометрия улиц и площадей

glorious past

сильно изменили город

man-made sea

ЗАДАНИЕ 8. Найдите в тексте фразы, касающиеся защиты города жителями Воронежа.

  1. Защитники города мужественно сражались.

(The defenders of the city struggled courageously.)

  1. Город сражался около двухсот дней и ночей.

(The city fought for nearly 200 day and nights.)

  1. 25 января 1943 года Воронеж был освобожден.

(Voronezh was liberated on the 25-th of January 1943.)

  1. Воронеж награжден орденом Великой Отечественной войны.

(Voronezh was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War.)

ЗАДАНИЕ 9. Скажите, в связи, с чем в тексте приводятся следующие цифры:

400year; 12th century; the 25th of January 1943; one million; 600 kilometres; 1695

Four hundred years ago a fortress was built on the right bank of the river.

Voronezh is mentioned in the 12th century Russian chronicles.

On the 25th of January 1943 Voronezh was liberated.

The population of our city is about one million people.

Voronezh is 600 kilometres north of Moscow.

In 1695 tsar Peter the Great began the construction of the Russian fleet on the river Voronezh.

ЗАДАНИЕ 10. Подтвердите словами из текста, что:

1. Воронеж - старый город.

(Four hundred years ago a fortress was built on the bank of the river. This fortress was the beginning of our city).

2. Воронеж – колыбель русского флота.

(Tsar Peter the Great built the Russian fleet on the banks of the river Voronezh. 200 ships came out of the Voronezh docks).

3. Жители Воронежа помнят тех, кто защищал Воронеж во время Великой Отечественной войны.

(In the memorial in Victory Square we can read the names of the defenders of our city).

4. Сегодня Воронеж – один из больших городов России.

(Today Voronezh is one of the largest Russia’s cities. Its population is about one million people).

ЗАДАНИЕ 11. Выбрав правильный вариант, закончите следующие предложения:

1. The Voronezh Region comprises…..

a) the Middle Russian Uplands; b) the East Siberian Uplands.

2. 400 year ago a fortress was built on…..

a) the left; b) the right bank of the river.

3. It defended…..

a) the southern; b) the northern boundaries of Russia.

4. More than…..

a) 100; b) 200 ships came out of the Voronezh docks.

5. On…..

a) the 9th of May 1945; b) the 25th of January 1943 Voronezh was liberated.

6. The population of Voronezh is about …..

a) one million; b) five hundred thousand people.

ЗАДАНИЕ 12. А теперь давайте учиться общаться.

Что говорят при встрече

Good morning

Good afternoon

Good evening



Morning, Jane

Hi, Pete

Nice to see you

How are you?

Fine, thanks

And how are you?

Not so bad

Welcome to Russia(to our city)

When meeting we say

Доброе утро (до полудня)

Добрый день (после полудня)

Добрый вечер (после 6 часов вечера)



Привет, Джейн

Привет, Пит

Рад тебя видеть

Как поживаешь?

Спасибо, прекрасно

А ты как?


Добро пожаловать в Россию (наш город)


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