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. Read the text. Translate it and answer the questions.


Oil and gas wells are being drilled in almost every country in the world, on land, in marshes and offshore. These wells are generally classified as two land' exploration wells and development wells.

An exploration well or «wildcat» is one that is drilled primarily for the pur­pose of determining that oil or gas actually exists in a subsurface rock formation. It is only after a well is drilled into a formation that the presence of oil or gas can definitely be confirmed or denied to be present.

A development well is a well that is drilled after an exploration well has con- firmed the presence of petroleum in the formation. Usually it takes several devel­opment wells to efficiently produce hydrocarbons from a formation.

A wildcat is a well drilled in an area where no oil or gas production exists. With present day exploration methods and equipment about one wildcat out of every nine proves to be productive although not necessary profitable.

A wellhead equipment is installed at the surface of the wellbore. A wellhead includes such equipment as the casing and tubing. Wellbore is a borehole drilled

by a bit, may have casing in it or may be open.

Translate into Englbh

    1. Нефтянке и газовые скважины бурят на суше и на море.

    2. Скважины делятся на разведочные и эксплуатационные.

    3. Разведочные скважины бурятся для определения наличия нефти в


    1. Эксплуатационные скважины бурят после подтверждения наличия нефти в пласте.

    2. С помощью современных методов разведки, технологий и оборудо­вания, можно определить продуктивность скважин.

    3. Пробуренные скважины могут быть обсаженными и открытыми.

Ex. I. Translate into Russian

to drill - drilling - drilled; equip - equipment; require - requirement; sur­face - subsurface; excavate - excavation; to penetrate - penetration; to explorer- exploration; to produce - production - productive; profit - profitable.

Read the text and find the equivalents of following words and word combinations

Бурить; ствол скважины; на море; подтвердить наличие нефти; разве­дочная скважина; продуктивная скважина; эксплуатационная скважина; до­бывать углеводороды; присутствие нефти; на площади, где нет добычи; на поверхности скважины; необходимо несколько скважин; с помощью совре­менных методов разведки; окажется продуктивной; обсадка; устье скважи­ны.